GooseObʼs pages

github repo


My homework for the Programmer’s Working Environment classes


There are multiple pages. Unfortunately, you can’t see this on your own because it has backend and I can’t deploy this with github pages.

Routes are served by the .htaccess and the index.php files.

home page

The database page. Here we can see the grant id, date, grantor, grantee and amount of money. database page

The database editing page. We can delete, edit or add a grant. database editing page

If we click on "edytuj" or "dodaj", we are redirected to another page, then we can click the submit button, and if entered data are correct, we’ll be redirected to the page with our data, otherwise we’ll be redirected to an error page. record adding page

The search page. Here we can choose column by which we’ll be searching and a value. database search page

The form page. Here we can input data and choose the kind of our NASTUP participation, and then, we submit the form and move onto the next page. form page

The next page is the page with our data and an image depending on our choice. form result page
